How To Fix ‘Net::Err_Cert_Authority_Invalid’ Error in Chrome


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Keep your Windows 10 security features up to date if you wish to do all of your daily tasks safely. As a result, you should always use an antivirus programme, turn on firewall protection, and make sure your web browsers are up to date.

The most common warning linked with network connections that aren’t adequately protected is the err cert authority invalid error, which displays with the err cert authority invalid error. Your connection is not private, which is an error.


This doesn’t necessarily indicate that you’re about to visit a malicious website; it could simply be a browser or Windows 10 operating system problem. These websites may be missing an SSL certificate, have an out-of-date certificate, or have credentials or certificates that your web browser cannot trust.

The err cert authority invalid issue, on the other hand, is sometimes nothing more than a glitch; you can get it on any secure website or page. We’ll focus on the Google Chrome troubleshooting methods because that’s where this error notification shows most commonly.

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How Can I fix Chrome’s Err cert Authority Invalid Error?

Take a look.

1. Double-check Your Time and Date Settings

As a security precaution, Chrome and all other web browser clients will only allow you to access webpages if the Date and Time are configured correctly. Make sure your date and time settings are correct.

You’ll see the err cert authority invalid error every time you try to access a page over the Internet if you change the time or date on your Windows 10 machine for some reason.

This means that your browser’s date and time settings are automatically synced with your computer’s, and they must match (the different time zones do not affect this). As a result, you should start troubleshooting by setting the date and time on your device correctly.

2. Modify Your Antivirus Settings

In the case of BitDefender, the following is what happened:

Under Settings, select Privacy Control from the drop-down box. Toggle the Antiphishing tab to the left. After that, turn off Scan SLL. You might need to perform something like this instead, depending on your BitDefender version: Go to Protection, Web Protection, then Web Protection to disable Scan SSL.

3. Reset Chrome SettingsĀ 

Select the Menu option from the drop-down menu in Chrome. From the More tools menu, choose Extensions. After turning off all installed extensions, restart Chrome.Select Show Advanced Settings from the drop-down menu in Settings.

Cookies and other site data must be selected from the right pane under Privacy and security. Uncheck the box that allows you to send a Do Not Track request based on your web traffic. Restart Google Chrome once you’ve made all of the following changes.
If Chrome becomes stuck, follow these instructions to fix it.

4. Clear Your Chrome History

Navigate to the Chrome settings page.
From the drop-down box, choose Advanced Settings. The option to choose is Clear Browsing Data. In the pop-up that displays, choose the fields you want to clear from the list, and then click Clear browsing data.

5. Assign DNS Configuration

Click the Cortana symbol and type Network and Sharing Center into the Search box to get to Network and Sharing Center. Then, on the left sidebar, choose Change Adapter Settings. From the right-click menu of the currently active Adapter, select Properties.

From the drop-down box, choose Internet Protocol Version 4 and then Properties. Make a selection on To reach Google’s Public DNS servers, use the following DNS server address and type, similarly

After you’ve made the changes, restart your Windows 10 computer.

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On the internet, the certificate authority is invalid. The Windows 10 error message is caused by insecure connections. Switching to a more secure browser is the simplest way to resolve the connection, not private error notification.

Use our solution to disable several extensions that may be causing the net::Err cert authority invalid problem. Another quick fix is to adjust your antivirus settings, as described in the response below.

The ERR CERT AUTHORITY NET::ERR CERT AUTHORITY NET::ERR CERT AUTHORITY NET::ERR CERT AUTHORITY NET::ERR CERT AUTHORITY NET::ERR CERT AUTHORITY NET::ERR It can take a long time to discover out what’s causing the INVALID problem if you don’t know what’s causing it.

The good news is that most remedies are simple to put in place. To begin, make sure your SSL certificate is current and valid, then try some simple troubleshooting techniques like restarting the website and clearing the cache in your browser.

After that, you can move on to more sophisticated options like deleting your SSL state and running an SSL server test.